Pippa divulges all about her first two weeks at Holland Alexander

So week two at Holland Alexander is drawing to a close and the excitement is only growing stronger. Having met Lou back in March my continuous badgering (verging on harrassement) eventually paid off when I was invited to their sparkling new office in London! Holland Alexander is exactly what I was looking for; a relaxed, down to earth and dynamic office that strikes the professional/friendly balance perfectly, and after just two weeks, I’m already loving it.

Striving to succeed in a new challenge is something I’ve always enjoyed, and Holland Alexander has offered me a new one everyday. From event plans to e-shots I was thrown in at the deep end. But the deep end isn’t quite as deep as I thought it would be. With Lou and Claire keeping me afloat, theres no chance I’m doing anything but swimming.

Each day as I bound out from Liverpool street station I can’t seem to get into the office quickly enough. Working to the tune of radio one and continuous waft of popcorn, my hopes for my time at Holland Alexander have only been heightened. My work is diverse and versatile, and I’m enthused to work my first event.

Yet, unfortunately university is calling me back around october time and I’m not sure what I’ll do without Julius watching out for me, but so long as the team is willing to have me back, I’ll be there with the biggest smile plastered on my face.

From smeg fridges to cats, umpteen cups of tea to irrisitable reeses cupcakes, matching watches and the great eagle, my first few weeks have certainly been interesting. Whatever next?! I’ll update you soon